"Malka's retreat is life changing. It's an extraordinary experience where art, nature and different cultures collide into one great big adventure. In the Costa Rican paradise, I drew in the jungle while monkeys swung from the tree branches above. I walked through a cave to discover a waterfall, and ate incredible, festive meals under a million stars. Meaningful discussions on creativity and personal struggles while butterflies and toucans play around you, helps the artistic soul to meditate then soar. Once there were so many doubts within me, but this wonderful tropical escapade generated new excitement in to my personal creative journey”

"Malka’s retreat was truly a gift to myself. I did not know what to anticipate, coming alone, but I made lifetime friends and was able to relax into the beautiful environment of the jungle. Malka was patient, a great guide through the classes, and very encouraging.The hotel has breathtaking views, impeccable nature and beautiful design. I left feeling so full, emotionally, and equipped with skills to continue my calligraphy journey at home"

"Malka's retreat brought me into a sense of community with like-minded creative women with a passion for letters that I didn't realize I needed"

"I realized on this trip that the silence was more healing than any extravagant trip through Europe could ever be. The clarity I experienced during the retreat was the biggest high"